Author = Siamak Yousefi Siahkalroodi
Assessment of heavy metals Cd and Cr and some enzymes in the liver tissue of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer) cultured in cage in Bushehr province

Volume 77, Issue 4, December 2024, Pages 347-360

Siamak Yousefi Siahkalroodi; Parastoo Mohebi Derakhsh; Mahyar Yousefi Siahkalroodi; Ala Hasan Khalaf

Faunistic survey of Ephemeroptera in Hablehrood River

Volume 73, Issue 2, June 2020, Pages 175-186

Mehraneh Momayezi; Siamak Yousefi Siahkalroodi; Neda Kheradpir

Genetic Diversity of Gammarus in the East Rivers of Tehran Province using Mitochondrial CO1 Gene Sequences

Volume 71, Issue 3, December 2018, Pages 236-245

Hadi Yousefi Siahkalroudi; Siamak Yousefi Siahkalroodi; Shadi Khatami