Author = Bagher Majazi Amiri
Semi-artificial reproduction of Driftwood catfish Trachelyopterus fisheri without male broodstock by Ovulin

Volume 77, Issue 3, August 2024, Pages 185-194

Sadra Mahmoodi; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi; Soheil Eagderi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Mehrdad Farhangi

The effect of hydrolyzed protein, vitamin E and oxidized oil on growth performance, hematology and fillet quality of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Volume 74, Issue 1, April 2021, Pages 1-15

Esfandyar Najafi; Seyed Vali Hosseini; Hamid Farahmand; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Mahdi Soltani

Effects of Osmotic Shock on Some Physiological parameters in Caspian Kutum Juveniles (Rutilus kutum)

Volume 70, Issue 4, March 2018, Pages 363-375

Fatemeh Fadakar Masouleh; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Ali Reza Mirvaghefi; Hosein Ghafoori

Histological and Biochemical Properties of Overripped Oocytes in the Persian Sturgeon (Acipenser persicus Borodin, 1897) Broodstocks

Volume 70, Issue 2, August 2017, Pages 189-203

Ghaffar Ebrahimi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Gholam Reza Rafiee; Ali Shabani

Effect of Genistein and β-sitosterol on Some Reproduction Indicators of Caspian Kutum (Rutilus kutum)

Volume 69, Issue 4, March 2017, Pages 452-461

Davoud Mohamadrezaei; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi; Changiz Makhdumi; Seyad Samad Hashemi

In vitro effects of steroid hormones on inducing GVBD in caspian salmon (Salmo trutta caspius) oocytes

Volume 68, Issue 4, January 2016, Pages 631-634

Bager Mojazi Amiri; Fatemeh Fadakar- Masouleh; Esfandiar Najafi

The effect of replacement of vegetable oils with fish oil on gonadal development and sex steroid hormones in female rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Volume 68, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 355-368

Seyede Marzieh Hoseini khah; Bager Mojazi amiri; Golam reza Rafiee; Mehrdad Farhangi; Seyed Mahya Moosavi

Changes in aggressive behaviors and testosterone concentration of fighting fish Betta splendens, exposed to fluoxetine

Volume 68, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 457-466

Mohammad Navid Forsatkar; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri

A histochemical of developing digestive tract of Persian sturgeon (A. persicus) from hatching to fingerling

Volume 68, Issue 2, July 2015, Pages 187-197

Maryam Batebi Navaei; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Rajab Mohammad Nazari; Mohammad Ali Nematolahi; Mostafa Karaminasab

The change of some ion, hormone and biochemical factors in released fingerling of kutum fish (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky, 1901) at the estuarine of Tajan river (Sari)

Volume 68, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 139-155

Mohammad Mohiseni; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Mohammad Vahid Farabi; Gholamhossein Riazi

Histological development of the alimentary channel of Caspian Roach (Rutilus rutilus caspicus)

Volume 67, Issue 4, January 2015, Pages 625-639

Morteza Yaghoubi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi; Saeed Yelghi

Effects of Long Light Photoperiods on the Delay of Gonadal Development in Female Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): 1. Structural Changes

Volume 65, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 447-456

A. Noori; B. Mojazi Amiri; A. Mirvaghefi; B. Kalvani Neitali

The Effects of Copper and Cadmium Exposure on Biochemical Factors of Plasma and Liver in Beluga Sturgeon, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)

Volume 65, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 271-282

Saeid Zahedi; Ali Reza Mirvaghefi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Gholamreza Rafiee; Mehdi Hedayati; Changiz Makhdoomi; Mousa Zarei Dagesaraki; Saeid Mahdavi Sahebi

Seasonal Changes of Some Physiological Parameters of Salmo trutta caspiusfingrlings in Fresh and Brackish Water

Volume 65, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 295-305

Koroush Sarvi Moghanlou; Mohammad Kalbassi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri

Physiological Responses in Cultured Great Sturgeon, Huso huso, Implanted by Cortisol Following Endoscopic Surgery

Volume 65, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 153-167

Samaneh Poursaeed; Bahram Falahatkar; Bagher Majazi Amiri; Glen Vender Krak

Histological and Morphological Study of Caspian Kutum Eggs and Embryo Developmental Stages (Rutilus Frissi Kutum Kamensky, 1901)

Volume 65, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 67-78

Maryam Mardaneh Kahatuni; Bagher Majazi Amiri; Melika Ghelichpour; Seyed Hadi Mousavi

A study on some biological indices of migratory Caspian lamprey, Caspiomyzon wagneri, in the Shirood River in the fall and spring

Volume 64, Issue 3, October 2011, Pages 269-279

Mohammad Ahmadi; Bagher Majazi Amiri; Asghar Abdoli; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi; Seyed Mohammad Esmaeel Fakharzadeh