Rapid detection of 4 species of Acipenser genus in the Caspian Sea Basin sturgeons and Siberian sturgeon using mitochondrial genome amplification method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor, International Sturgeon Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.

2 Research instructor, International Sturgeon Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Rasht, Iran.


In this study, sturgeon species were identified based on mitochondrial genome amplification (D loop control region) and band size differences by agarose gel. For this purpose, a total of 140 Caspian Sea sturgeons and Siberian sturgeons were selected. After DNA extraction, primers were used to amplify the D-loop control region. The right primers were the same in all species but the left primers were different and they were selected such that the size of different species was distinct. Based on the obtained results, the desired bands for all species of Caspian Sea sturgeon and Siberian sturgeon, except Beluga, were amplified which represents the species for that sample. This method is a useful approach for detection of fraudulent mislabeling of the fishery products including sturgeon and caviar due to its ease and rapid execution. However, since the mitochondrial genome has only maternal inheritance, for additional tracking, the whole genome of sturgeon should be studied for each species in order to obtain the desired points for tracking the differences of Caspian Sea sturgeon at the nuclear genome level, thereby a diagnostic evaluation as well as barcoding of samples of fishery, health and cosmetic products from Caspian sturgeon can be done by combining differences at the mitochondrial and nuclear genome levels of the species. of the species.
