Quick screening of Oxytetracycline (OTC) residue in cultured rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fillet using ELISA assay

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Fishery, Faculty of Marine science and Technology, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

2 Department of Food Science & Technology, Faculty of Marine Science and Technology, Tehran North Branch, Islamic Azad University Tehran, Tehran, Iran.



Rainbow trout is one of the most popular salmonid fish in the world. Increased market demand for rainbow trout has led to the development of intensive farming and the spread of microbial infections during the rearing period. A group of widely used antibiotics is tetracycline, especially oxytetracycline (OTC). In this research, trout samples were purchased from farms in Polur, Karaj, Damavand (main distribution in Tehran province), Sarab and Sivan-Sufian (consumer market: East Azerbaijan province) and 30 samples from each farm and a total of 300 fish were screened. The detection limit for OTC in rainbow trout was 0.3 ppb and the antibody cross-reactivity was 100%. All salmon were positive for OTC, the mean OTC residues were below the Maximum Limits (MRLs) in Codex Alimentarius. While the limit for OTC in the European Union is set at 0.1 ppm, the consumption of trout from the farms of East Azarbaijan and Damavand is safe, but the consumption of trout prepared from Karaj and Polur farms (ppb 145-130) is not recommended for sensitive and high-risk people. Finally, OTC use should not increase to remain at an appropriate level in the fisheries industry. As a last point, the presence of high amounts of OTC residues in Karaj and Pleur region indicates that tetracycline is consumed during the entire rearing period, along with the daily diet, as well as the withdrawal period for removal, before collecting and sending the fishes to the market is not complied.


Main Subjects

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