Author = A. Mirvaghefi
Effect of temperature lethal concentration (LC50 96-h) of Cypermethrin on the Caspian kutum fish Rutilus frisii Kutum (Kamensky, 1901)

Volume 68, Issue 3, October 2015, Pages 421-435

Saeid Shahbazi; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Majid Abedi; Mehdi Taherian

Investigate the possibility of Sex determination of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using molecular markers

Volume 68, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 1-11

Hamid Farahmand; Mohammad Akhavan Bahabadi; Mohammad ali Nematollahi; Aliraza Mirvaghefi

The change of some ion, hormone and biochemical factors in released fingerling of kutum fish (Rutilus frisii kutum Kamensky, 1901) at the estuarine of Tajan river (Sari)

Volume 68, Issue 1, April 2015, Pages 139-155

Mohammad Mohiseni; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Mohammad Vahid Farabi; Gholamhossein Riazi

Cholinesterase activity evaluation in Capoeta capoeta gracilis as Biomarker of enviromental monitoring in Gorgan-roud basin

Volume 67, Issue 4, January 2015, Pages 565-583

Nima Shiry; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Khalil Talebi Jahromi; Gholamreza Rafiee

The expression of Vitellogenin Gene in the Liver of Juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Exposed to Pulp and paper Mills of Iran

Volume 67, Issue 2, July 2014, Pages 149-163

Amir Aramoon; Hamid Farahmand; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi

Effects of diazinon of hematological parameters of Capoeta damascina

Volume 66, Issue 4, March 2014, Pages 399-412

Aref Pirbeigi; Hadi Poorbagher; Soheil Eagderi; Alireza Mirvaghefi

Hematological and serum biochemical profile of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed immunogen

Volume 67, Issue 3, January 2014, Pages 455-465

Peyman Yar Ahmadi;; Hamid Farahmand; Hamed Kolango Miyandare;; Ali Reza Mirvaghefi

Detection of Vertical Transmission of the Bacterium Streptococcus Agalactiae in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus Mykiss) Brooders Using the PCR of the Gene Scpb

Volume 66, Issue 1, April 2013, Pages 49-58

Samira Rashidi Monfared; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Hamid Farahmand; Mohamadali Nematollahi; Seyed Ali Poorbakhsh; Abbas Ashtari

Effects of Long Light Photoperiods on the Delay of Gonadal Development in Female Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): 1. Structural Changes

Volume 65, Issue 4, February 2013, Pages 447-456

A. Noori; B. Mojazi Amiri; A. Mirvaghefi; B. Kalvani Neitali

The Effects of Copper and Cadmium Exposure on Biochemical Factors of Plasma and Liver in Beluga Sturgeon, Huso huso (Linnaeus, 1758)

Volume 65, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 271-282

Saeid Zahedi; Ali Reza Mirvaghefi; Bagher Mojazi Amiri; Gholamreza Rafiee; Mehdi Hedayati; Changiz Makhdoomi; Mousa Zarei Dagesaraki; Saeid Mahdavi Sahebi

Effluent Characterization and Rate of Mineralization of Sludge Produced by Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Volume 65, Issue 3, October 2012, Pages 339-352

Mohammad Harsij; Gholamreza Rafiee; Ali Reza Mirvaghefi; Hadi Asadi

Biochemical Characteristics of Blood and Histopathological Study of Experimental Diazinon Poisoning in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Volume 65, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 119-133

Alireza Mirvaghefi; Hamid Farahmand; Gholamreza Rafiee; Mahdi Banaee

Evaluation of Oxytetracycline Resistance in Aeromonas hydrophial Isolated from Reared Oncorhynchus mykiss

Volume 65, Issue 2, August 2012, Pages 195-203

S. Zarghami; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Hamid Farahmand; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi

Recirculation Aquaculture Effluent Treatment by Using Clinoptiloite and Bentonite Modified by Cationic Surfactant

Volume 65, Issue 1, April 2012, Pages 53-66

zoheir Shokouh Saljoghi; Gholamreza Rafiee; Arash Javanshir; Alireza Mirvaghefi

Histophatology and Hematology in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) following experimental infection with Aeromonas hydrophila

Volume 64, Issue 3, October 2011, Pages 217-227

Kamal Ahmadi; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Mehdi Banaee; maryam mousavi

A Study on Toxic Effects of Diazinon on the Caspian Kutum (Rutilus Frisii Kutum) Testis Using in Vitro Tissue Culture

Volume 64, Issue 2, August 2011, Pages 121-128

F. Fadakar Masouleh; Hamid Farahmand; Alireza Mirvaghefi; Mohammad Ali Nematollahi