Introducing antinutritional factors in plant origin fish feed ingredients and strategies to reduce their contents

Document Type : review paper


1 Associate professor, Department of, Faculty of Natural Resources, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran

2 PhD student, Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Natural Resources, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran



Due to rapid aquaculture development, limited supply of fishmeal and its increasing cost and demand, using plant derived feed ingredients such as legumes (lupin and peas), oil seed cakes (soy bean, cottonseed, and rape seed), cereals (corn, rice and wheat), meals of protein rich leaves, concentrates and isolate of non-edible oil seeds (jatropha, castor and neem) as fish feed ingredients is compulsory. However, the major challenge in utilizing the protein rich plant ingredients is the presence of anti-nutritional factors. Anti-nutritional factors are compounds which reduce the nutrient utilization and/or feed intake of aquatic animals and are important in plant origin feed ingredient contents of feed formulation. These factors can cause malnutrition or reduced micronutrients and minerals uptake. The most important anti-nutritional factors include protease inhibitors, phytic acid, saponin, tannin, cyanide, oxalate, gossypol, non-starch polysaccharides, phytoestrogens, mimosine and mycotoxins. There are various traditional and recent technologies, which can be used to reduce the levels of such anti-nutrient factors. Several processing techniques including fermentation, germination, dehulling, autoclaving, soaking etc. are applicable to reduce the anti-nutrient contents of ingredients. However, investigating and appreciation of effective methods and optimizing the conditions of their application is still very demanding. In addition, each aquatic species has tolerable threshold for each of the anti-nutritional substances, which should be considered before choosing the processing method. Other issues including the environmental concerns of the processing method and its economic viability also deserve special attention.


Main Subjects

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